Tacklit Product Updates

Our team is hard at work improving your experience and bringing you powerful new tools. Follow our progress here and connect with our Customer Team to learn more about any specific update

Care OS

Jun 27, 2024

Add a Profile Note for Important Notes or Risk Flags

  • Add a Profile Note to a client's profile

  • View the alert or flag in the client list view

  • See it at the top of the client profile, always

  • Unpin it when you're ready

  • All users can add and view the Profile Notes

For more information please check out this article: Tacklit Alerts & Important Notes

Risk Flag
Risk Flag
Risk Flag

Care OS

Jun 27, 2024

Filter by Group Stages

  • When you add or update a group stage, the date and time stamp appear under the stage.

  • You can also filter by the group stage, to better manage the cohort of clients within that group.

Read more information here: Tacklit Overview: How to get the most from Groups

Filter by Group Stage
Filter by Group Stage
Filter by Group Stage

Care OS

Apr 30, 2024

Client Listing - Referral Statuses

A new column Referral Statuses can now be added to the client listing to be filtered on. This is linked the the “Status” field of Referrals linked to clients.

Care OS

Apr 29, 2024

Client Data Field in Case Notes Heading

CDF variables can now be added to case note templates as fields in the heading. This will allow case notes to automatically add more detail to the client’s Profile Information.
ℹ️ CDF variables in case notes will automatically sync to the client’s Profile Information when the case note is saved
⚠️ Some variables that sync to the client’s profile (i.e. client’s name, contact information, Medicare information) cannot be added to the case note template

Care OS

Apr 5, 2024


Referrals feature now supports:

  • Multiple referrals per client.

  • New fields: unique 6-char referral id, status, link to episode, provider number, presenting issues, etc.

  • Ability for clinician users to upload documents against referrals.

  • Ability for individual GP attached per referral.

Care OS

Apr 1, 2024

New Appointment Type - Activities

Activities are calendar events that do not include the client, but are assigned to a client. This means that the event will be assigned to a client or group, but they will not be informed of it, and will not receive a calendar invite. This covers a gap in our calendar feature where practitioners want to invoice their clients for activities outside of regular appointments, but have no way to track them.


  1. Added new type of appointment, controlled in the calendar settings on the Appointment Types page

    • No set date/time, delivery mode, or room requirement

    • Pre-set duration and rate, with checkbox to allow change

  2. Added ‘Activity’ option to inline booking popup in calendar

    • Can be assigned to a client or group

    • If the duration setting in the appointment type is set to not allow change, only the start time can be changed

    • If the rate setting in the appointment type is set to allow change, there will be an input to set the rate, prefilled from the appointment type

    • Can be set to ‘Free’ to allow regular appointment bookings, or ‘Busy’ to block the calendar slot

✅Activities are viewable in the client’s profile or group’s details, and can be added to invoices.
❌Activities cannot be booked in the regular appointment booking modal
❌Clients are not informed of activities when they are created, updated, or cancelled, and do not receive reminders for them
❌Activities do not show up in the client portal, and activity types cannot be booked in Engage flows and the client portal booking flow 


Mar 21, 2024

Improved Psychometric Charting

In the assessments tab on the client profile, you can now toggle to a chart view to see the trends of psychometrics over time. Pre configured charts allow clinical staff to use the trend data to prepare or engage with a client on their treatment journey. Depending on the specifics of each measure, it shows both overall score and sub scale scores over time.

Chart on client profile
Chart on client profile
Chart on client profile

Care OS

Mar 12, 2024

Outstanding Forms Summary

In the client profile you can now see quickly any outstanding forms that have been triggered for that specific client. Here you can trigger a reminder, or cancel any forms that are no longer required.


Mar 5, 2024

Phone or VoIP Outbound Phone Call Appointments

With our integrate telehealth you now have more granular control over phone delivery. Determine where you want to offer outbound calls. Dial via Tacklit where the client received as a phone call to their registered mobile number. Or offer VoIP where your team and the client join a voice room using the internet and data.


Mar 5, 2024

Delivery Mode Update

New delivery mode - Other.

Which allows a custom title and instructions, which will replace the traditional "Face to Face / Phone Call / Video Call" in the Care OS / Client Portal.

Care OS

Feb 19, 2024

Scheduled Send Letter

Now you can customise your time to send the letter to your client in the Report & Letters Tab after the letter is published.

Super User

Feb 5, 2024

Address Book

Added a new address book tab to organise the contacts.

Care OS

Jan 26, 2024

Refresh Profile Information

Expecting a form or assessment completed by a client before or during a consult? Now you can manually trigger a refresh to check for the latest information. This allows you to get any data you need the instant it is available. This feature supports any information asset that may be provided by a client including forms and surveys, psychometric assessments and appointment bookings / cancellations.

Refresh profile data
Refresh profile data
Refresh profile data

Care OS

Jan 17, 2024


With Tacklit Workspaces, you can have a streamlined and organised operation across multiple services. All workspaces will be in one place. No more logging in and out; now just toggle between the services you want to view.

Care OS

Jan 3, 2024

Episodes of Care

  • Superusers or designated practitioners can now create an episode of care. This allows client data and activities to be organised based on a time-oriented framework.

  • Manage, draft, and activate episodes, with only one allowed to be active at a time. Once the status is set as Active, new client appointments, assessments, survey and check-in insight are linked will be linked to this episode.

  • For Report, Case Note, Letter, and Invoice, you can select the episode to assign to, current active episode will be picked by default but you can also select other episodes.

  • Health Information is now supported for each episode, it works the same way as Profile Information, the difference is Health Information is designed to use for health data recording which is specific to each episode.

  • In the client profile, use the episode filter to view client data and activities linked to each episode when click into each menu bar.


Dec 19, 2023

Invoice Template

  • Superusers can now craft multiple tailored invoice templates for your service. Have different variants that include the required format and information.

  • Complete flexibility to designate specific structured fields, and add free text, images and other information with our rich editor.

  • Support for both individual and group appointments.

  • Make changes to your invoice templates at ease. Existing invoices, whether in draft, issued, or closed, remain unaffected by the updates.


Dec 19, 2023

Young Person Communication

Enable communications for young person record only client type. Currently, we only support appointment communications to young person profile.

Care OS

Dec 19, 2023

Batch Medicare Claim

Now on the Medicare Claim page, you can select multiple/all claims and choose to submit all at once.

Care OS

Dec 19, 2023

Practitioner Profile Registration Field

In practitioner profile, Superuser, Profile Owner and Receptionist can add and delete multiple registration types and numbers.


Dec 19, 2023

Invoice linked in Appointment Details

Clicking to open appointment details now also grants you access to view the attached invoice issued for the selected appointment.

Care OS

Dec 19, 2023

Groups Enhancement

To improve the user experience when working in the Groups tab, we added a filter to ‘Filter by Group Leads’, along with additional sorting capability to sort by ‘Group Names’, ‘Created’ and by ‘Group Members’ volumes.


Dec 19, 2023

Case Note Private Folder

With folder capability in case notes, practitioners can keep client notes private. They control sharing with other users having access to the client profile, ensuring privacy.

Care OS

Dec 19, 2022

Team Tab and Practitioner Profile Enhancements

  • Receptionist Team Tab: The Admin Role can now access the Team tab and complete key actions such as adding a new practitioner or update practitioner information to support the service.

  • Reactivate Practitioner: We have added an option to reactivate practitioner account directly without creating a new profile.

  • More superuser controls for 2FA and Password Management: From a practitioner profile page you can enable or disable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) at the practitioner level, and reset the enrolment to assist with logging in.

  • Reset Password for Practitioner Profile: On the Practitioner Profile > Actions… > Reset Password, you can now send a reset password email or generate a new password, should they need support logging in.


Dec 19, 2023

Room Availability Visible for Practitioners

Practitioners now check room availability on their calendar view. Previously this is limited to only Superusers and Admins.

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Discover Tacklit and amplify the impact of your service

Get in touch with our friendly team today.

Discover Tacklit and amplify the impact of your service

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Powering proactive, personalised, outcome-driven health care


St Kilda, Melbourne

We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of this nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

United Kingdom

St Johns Court, Chester

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Powered by Tacklit.

Powering proactive, personalised, outcome-driven health care


St Kilda, Melbourne

We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of this nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

United Kingdom

St Johns Court, Chester

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Powered by Tacklit.

Powering proactive, personalised, outcome-driven health care


St Kilda, Melbourne

We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of this nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

United Kingdom

St Johns Court, Chester

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Powered by Tacklit.

Powering proactive, personalised, outcome-driven health care


St Kilda, Melbourne

We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of this nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

United Kingdom

St Johns Court, Chester

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Powered by Tacklit.